Panzer Bandit
A fast and frenetic beat 'em up game on the Sony Playstation 1, this game piar great cartoon aesthetics with plane-shifting, juggle heavy, combo-tastic action a-la Treasure's "Gunstar Heroes." The story is related through anime cutscenes, but the entire game is in japanese so good luck following along. Only a guess, but I'd wager the story is secondary to the gameplay in this one.
The character designs and music are akin to a Mega Man X game crossed with Digimon the animated series. A neat game that keeps throwing new and weird stuff at you as you go along, this one is well worth a play, though it'll take a couple tries before you'll know your way enough to see the end.
Strategy and Movelists
Stats and tech from the hottest players
- FAQ/Walkthrough by RZhou - move lists, menu translations, and cheat codes/unlockables.
Technical Resources
Files, storefronts, emulators, etc that you need to play this game.
- Guide to playing PS1 online using Mednafen.
Related Media
Why not enright yourself with some related media?
- Hardcore Gaming 101's overview of Panzer Bandint gives a great rundown of the game.